All PVC Cartridge Filters are manufactured with high precision. These housings can accommodate standard filter cartridges Double Open End Style. Mainly used in pre treatment, these housings can be widely used in electronic industry.

The advantage of using Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) filter housings is excellent resistance to UV and atmospheric oxygen. We are now introducing the all-new and improved range of Cartridge filter housings (third generation) with increased operating pressure, better hydro pressure, and higher flow rate. Made from 100% UPVC material.

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Product Merits

The water fills into these housings from bottom to top and thus does not strike on to cartridges directly. At rated flow rates these housings offer minimum pressure drop across the filter.
The bottom of filter is designed together as a whole with the top locator and closure system in a very unique design to avoid internal bypass. It is very easy to install, pushing down cartridges and closing the lid is a matter of seconds.
Cartridge filter housings are made up of pvc which has good resistance to UV and oxidation by atmospheric oxygen. Hence they have a very long life expectancy. As pvc is unaffected by salts.