NG FILTERS AND FABRICATORS offers a wide variety of syringe filters for convenient sample preparation and fluid sterilization. Cellulose Acetate (CA) and Polyether Sulfone (PES) membranes are ideal for samples containing proteins and generally recommended for aqueous solutions filtration. Nylon (NY), PTFE and Regenerated Cellulose (RC) membranes are recommended for organic solvents filtration. Glass Fiber Pre-filter and a cellulose acetate membrane are recommended for highly loaded aqueous solutions.

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Wide Variety of Membranes, Pore Size, Diameters and Connections Available.
High lot-to-lot Reliability and Reproducibility for Consistent Filtration Quality.
Ultra-pure Production Facility in Germany According to the Highest Quality. Standards.
Sterile packaging available for CA and PES.
Transparent Syringe Filter Housing for Full Visual Control.
High Quality Housing Construction and Welding to Prevent Any Leakage.


HPLC Sample Preparation
Routine QC Analysis
Content Uniformity
Removal of Protein Precipitates
Dissolution Testing
Food Analysis
Biofuel Analysis
Environmental Samples


Membrane Material Nylon, PTFE, PVDF, PES, Micro Fibre
Membrane Diameter                 13mm, 25mm, 47mm, 90mm
Membrane HPLC Certified Nylon
Maximum Operating Temperature 100 °C
Housing Medical Grade, Virgin Polypropylene
Autoclave Sterilize by Dry Heat at 121 °C for 15 Minutes
Type  Syringe Filter