Air-to-cloth ratio, also known as filter velocity, is the amount of airflow (CFM) divided by the amount of filter media in a dust collector. It allows you to know how much air is flowing through each square foot of media and will help you determine which filters are most efficient for your application.
If a collector with 3,000 CFM has 1,000 sq ft of media the air-to-cloth ratio is 2:1. Generally, applications that produce higher particulate volumes require more filter media.
If the air-to-cloth ratio does not provide enough filter media, dust will accumulate in the filters causing negative pressure to build and resulting in reduced filter life and system malfunctions.
Why Does Air-to-Cloth Ratio Matter?
• The proper filter velocity will extend filter life
• Your filters will operate more efficiently
• You’ll save on system maintenance costs
• You won’t waste money on excess filter media
Why Shop With Us?
Countless industries depend on cartridge filters to clean the air in their facilities and workshops. Our dust collector filters are designed to withstand high-volume dust loads so that we can guarantee the demands of your application are met.
Dust collector cartridge filters feature a pleated design that provides more surface area than bag filters. Because of their design, cartridge filters allow air to flow through them easily while capturing dust particles more efficiently.
Dust Collector Cartridge Filter Benefits
• Longer lasting filters, fewer filter changes
• Easily removable for fast filter changes
• Easy to clean
• Moisture-resistant
• Can withstand high temperatures
• The pleated design provides a larger surface area and more particle collection